What were the common ways of time measurement in ancient Egypt and Mesopatamia?

by Coffeesaxophonne

I am most curious about the short term measurments, like our seconds, minutes and hours.


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In Egypt, the Book of Gates uses stars to predict the time of sunrise (or more accurately, groups of stars). The problem is that stars are not constant - they don't rise at exactly the same time every night (there's a 4 minute successive lag every night) and you'd need exactly 12 stars at specific intervals. Every 15 days you'd have to start all over again (due to the 4 minute shift).

So the idea is that each guiding star (or bright star) has an attendant group of stars (to help identify when it's coming), and appears at a particular place or gate on the horizon. There are multiple versions of the Book of Gates, some which have different patterns, different stars, and different gates - so the night-time hours were not a constant fixed length.

Senenmut's tomb has a wonderful example of a star clock which shows the complicated nature of the calculations.

In the 15th century BCE, we have the earliest description of a water clock and hours were measured like that. A vase was filled with water, and had a needle-sized hole in it. As water dripped out, the inside of the vase revealed a scale which would tell you how many hours it had. Daylight used shadow clocks and probably merkhets which served a dual function. You were limited in the time you could use this of course, and a cenotaph from Sety I indicates that you could only used this the 4 hours either side of noon.

As for words, there are words for 'hour' and for segments smaller than an hour, but not for 'minute' or 'quarter hour' or 'half-hour'.