Was there pornography in Communist countries? If so, was it popular?

by zapyou42

Did any governments take a particularly hard stance against it?


There was a pornography Samizdat in USSR, black&white calendars, cards. Sold by deaf or mute people in trains, for example.

Officially it was prohibited and was punished by fine or jail (up to 3 years - for distribution or storage with intent to sell).

Chapter 10, Article 228 of Criminal Code RSFSR

Статья 228. Изготовление или сбыт порнографических предметов

Изготовление, распространение или рекламирование порнографических сочинений, печатных изданий, изображений или иных предметов порнографического характера, а также торговля ими или хранение с целью их продажи или распространения -

наказывается лишением свободы на срок до трех лет или штрафом до трех минимальных месячных размеров оплаты труда с конфискацией порнографических предметов и средств их производства.

(в ред. Указа Президиума ВС РСФСР от 03.12.82, Закона РФ от 20.10.92 N 3692-1 - Ведомости ВС РСФСР, 1982, N 49, ст. 1821; Ведомости СНД РФ и ВС РФ, 1992, N 47, ст. 2664)


The answer is yes - there was pornography in the Eastern Block but the laws and the availability were different for each country. In DDR they even produced such movies while in Romania you could only get such content (tapes and magazines) from the black market or from other people (friends of friends).


General note to all commenters: please back up your answers with sources.. Purely personal anecdotes will be removed. See here for reasons.


I found a few examples. Here is a (pretty much) SFW example: (click here)[http://babylonfalling.tumblr.com/post/166628704/supergirl-oktyabrina-the-invention-of-the-ppp]