Happy New Year! As it is now 2014, the outward limit of the 'twenty-year rule' in AskHistorians has ticked ahead once more -- let's talk about 1994.

by NMW

As you've no doubt discovered while reading the questions and answers offered in /r/AskHistorians, in a bid to keep the focus off of current events (and, moreover, current politics) we have chosen to enact a not-always-elegant and not-always-total ban on discussions of events that had taken place less than 20 years ago. Up until yesterday, that cut us off at the end of 1993 -- but no longer.

1994 is now open for business!

And what a year it was! Here are some of the highlights:

  • Designated by the United Nations as the International Year of the Family and the International Year of Sport and the Olympic Ideal.

  • Finland and Sweden vote to join the European Union.

  • Jan. 1: The establishment of NAFTA

  • Jan. 14: U.S. President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin sign the Kremlin Accords

  • Feb. 12: Edvard Munch's famous painting "The Scream" is stolen from a museum in Oslo

  • Feb. 12: Opening of the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer

  • March 1-ish: China connects to the Internet for the first time

  • March 1: Justin Bieber born

  • March 12: First female priests in Church of England ordained

  • March 27: Silvio Berlusconi elected Prime Minister of Italy

  • March 31: Confirmed report of the discovery of the first complete Australopithecus afarensis skull

  • April 7: The Rwandan Genocide begins

  • April 8: Kurt Cobain of the popular band Nirvana found dead

  • April 22: Death of controversial former U.S. President Richard Nixon

  • April 27: The first multi-racial elections in South African history mark the formal end of Apartheid; Nelson Mandela elected president

  • May 1: Death of Ayrton Senna, internationally celebrated Formula One champion, in an accident during a Grand Prix in Italy

  • May 6: The great Channel Tunnel (or "Chunnel", as some came to call it) opens between England and France after over seven years of construction

  • June 1: The Republic of South Africa rejoins the British Commonwealth after having left it in 1961

  • June 15: Israel and the Vatican establish full diplomatic relations for the first time

  • June 23: First Centennial of the International Olympic Committee

  • July 12: Allied occupation of Berlin formally concludes

  • August 31: Departure of Russian army from Latvia and Estonia marks formal conclusion of all Soviet occupation in Eastern Europe

  • September 19: Deployment of American troops in support of exiled Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide

  • October 3-4: Members of the Solar Temple Cult commit mass suicide at compounds in Canada and Switzerland

  • November 5: Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan announces he has Alzheimer's Disease

  • December 14: Construction of massive Three Gorges Dam in China begins

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the events of 1994, however, and I'm sure we'll be hearing about a great deal more of them as the months unfold.

So: you may now discuss 1994 -- please use these powers responsibly.


1994 was a good year for movies. Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption, Leon: The Professional and Lion King came out that year.

  • March 1: Justin Bieber born

It's nice to know that, despite the heavy moderation, /r/AskHistorians still has a sense of humor.


I look forward to being enlightened about the birth of Justin Bieber.


It's only when I see lists like these do I become aware of my own advancing years...


May 1: Death of Ayrton Senna, internationally celebrated Formula One champion, in an accident during a Grand Prix in Italy

And on this, I highly recommend the documentary Senna on netflix. It's a bit of a tear-jerker, but it gives a lot of insight into what being an F1 driver is like.

Anyway, there are several very important events for Jewish history that happened in 1994:

  1. The cave of the patriarchs massacre
  • The Argentina bombing
  • The Israel-Jordan peace treaty
  • Oslo 2

So in order:

The cave of the patriarchs massacre was when Baruch Goldstein, a Kahanist (religious ultra-nationalist) opened fire on a crowd of Muslim worshipers. He was active in the ultra-right Kach party and in the JDL. Wearing his military uniform, he opened fire in the Muslim part of the Cave of the Patriarchs, killing 29. While he was celebrated as a martyr by the very far-right (he was killed by worshipers), the Kach party was banned, and the ultra-right was somewhat marginalized.

The bombing was a car bomb in front of the head of the AMIA, an Argentinian Jewish organization, killing 85. It was just two years after the Israeli embassy in Argentina was bombed, killing 29. No one was ever convicted for the former bombing followed a bungled investigation. A neat bit of trivia is that a local bishop was among the first to condemn the bombing, and began working with local Jewish organizations afterwards. That bishop, of course, became Pope Francis.

Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1994. This followed decades of the countries talking through back channels. It was the second peace treaty with an Arab country. While not as militarily significant as the treaty with Egypt, it meant that Israel only had a relatively short hostile border to defend. Of course, relations between the countries had been warming long-term, which included Jordan's non-participation in the 1973 War. This was also essentially the very end of the old Revisionist dream of a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan.

Oslo 2 formalized the partial handover to the Palestinian Authority that began under Oslo 1. It established Areas A, B, and C, where the PA would have a level of control. Here's a map. While this agreement eventually broke down within the 20-year-rule, Israel and the PA were cooperating and doing joint things in the West Bank, and prospects for peace looked rather promising, even with difficult negotiations still to take place. But for the first time a Palestinian state and a Jewish one side-by-side was somewhat real. Hell, this was the first time a Palestinian quasi-government existed at all! So 1994 was a very significant time in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Granted, it'll be hard to talk about this here for the next several years since the context of things breaking down is pretty important, but such is life with events just beyond the 20-year-rule.

edit about the bombing:

Since writing this and responding to comments there's a lot of important stuff I didn't know that I do now about the bombing. What makes future-Pope Francis's actions important is that the Argentinian government seems to have deliberately bungled the investigation. See here. And he seems to have repeatedly not just condemned, but called for justice. Argentina arrested people, but released due to lack of evidence, which it seems was destroyed/concealed by officials. See here.


In a related note, the standard wait for opening documents in the Vatican archives to wide(r) audiences is 75 years. So, 75 years ago was 1939, and as a result we will get the last of the (available) documents for the papacy of Pius XI and the beginning of the papacy of Pius XII.

There will likely be a new glut of books from partisans that feature Pius XII, though I doubt anything much of import will be found. Some minor questions will likely be able to be clarified, though.


Some notable sports history of 1994:

  • George Foreman becomes the oldest heavyweight boxing champion
  • USA hosts the 1994 World Cup. Brazil wins. A Colombian soccer player (Andres Escobar) is murdered in his home country allegedly for scoring an own goal during the tournament.
  • Major League Baseball strike leads to cancellation of the remainder of the season & World Series. Some credit the winner of the Japanese Series that year as "world champion"

Edit- Colombian not Columbian


As someone who frequents /r/askcience, I'm very disappointed that your list does not contain one of the most amazing astronomical events ever witnessed.

July 15–July 21 – The planet Jupiter is hit by 21 large fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 over the course of 6 days

Edit: Also the year Kim Il-sung died. Come on guys, you're slackin'!


First DreamHack is held in Malung, Sweden.


Also Bosnian war is in it's 3rd year. Notable 1994 events from here (http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~bonne20s/majorbattlesmaps.html)
February 6th- A mortar explodes in a crowded market in Sarajevo, 68 people are killed.

February 28th NATO shoots down four Serbian aircraft over Bosnia, intervening for the first time since the war began (in fact, the first use of military power by NATO since it's creation in 1949)

March 18th- Bosnian Muslims and Croats sign peace accords drawn up by the United States


So now that we can talk about the Rwandan genocide- is there yet a consensus over why the Rwandan Army seemingly wanted genocide so badly? How about which group actually assassinated Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira? I remember hearing a bunch of different theories in school...


1994 was also the year that brought about the deadliest shipwreck disaster to have occurred in the Baltic Sea in peacetime, costing 852 lives.

The subject is talked about to this day in Estonia since most people are certain that the disaster was not caused by natural events. There are a lot of loose ends starting from missing key survivors, threats made to investigators to the very poorly structured official report.


We can almost talk in full about a Newt Gingrich Congress


1994 was also the year of the Order of the Solar Temple deaths in Quebec and France, the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and subsequent low-speed car chase, Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, and the acquittal of Lorena Bobbitt.

It was also the first year I had even the slightest inkling of current events, living previously in a bubble only punctured by the brief tenure of Kim Campbell as PM the year before.

EDIT: oops, NMW had the Solar Temple. I missed it.


Mod note, to our dear almost 20-years-old AskHistorians friends: alas, I have removed a large number of comments excitedly asserting that they were born in 1994. Unfortunately this joke was made so many times uncharitable people had begun ruthlessly downvoting any mention.

Could everyone turning twenty this year reply to this comment instead? What significant historical thing happened on your birthday?


1994 in Afghanistan--The Taliban emerges as a force and conquers Kandahar (the city founded by Alexander The Great).


I never post in this sub because I don't have the knowledge to do so, but I did just want to comment on how interesting it is that the year I was born is now considered history here. I don't know whether I thought it should have been "history" sooner, or shouldn't be for longer, but either way I found that exciting for some strange reason.


For the Aussies:

  • In this year, the Australian government, having discovered that failed businessman Christopher Skase was living free and easy in Majorca, Spain, first tried to extradite him to Australia to face charges relating to the failure of his billion-dollar corporate empire.

  • Telephone numbers started having an eighth digit added to them, to cope with the ever-increasing quantity of phone numbers.

  • Silverchair's first single, 'Tomorrow', reached number 1 in the ARIA singles charts.

  • 'The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' was released.


Not a subject that I can fully immerse into:

But to Mexican history 1994 was a huge year that tanked us into what most people think of Us as third world country

  • TLC or NAFTA as mention by OP goes in effect by 1994.

  • A paramilitary group named EZLN blocks the entree of a small town in Chiapas, firstly fighting against NAFTA and almost immediately for a most comprehensive reforms on Native American rights, such movements steals the international spotlight from the president Carlos Salinas de Gortari's progress plan into the reality on which Mexico is actually on the president puts out with the movement and calls for a cease of fire against the EZLN since he was trying to bring $ into the country and wanted to be viewed as the president that brought progress and first world status to Mexico .
    *The ruling party PRI wins it's last election in which over 69% of the legally able citizens cast their votes in what is today the most successfully election to date all this not before a huge amount of events.
    1.- the ruling president as tradition mandates pick his candidate to run as candidate for president, naming Luis Donaldo Colosio as his successor, on the other hand a very close friend of the president break ties and quits from its position within the government since he wasn't picked (as promised) as the next candidate (Manuel Camacho Solis) he later on retracted himself to accept a position to solve the EZLN problem and stealing ( with support from president Salinas) tons of media from Luis Donaldo Colosio which cause a great tension within the party at this point and after feeling like an outcast LDC give one of the most inspiring speeches of modern history against its own party and president to later on been killed by an random person with zero political agenda, although nobody has been able to prove it, most people believe that president CS de G, MCS or EZLN(very unlikely) had something to do with such murder.
    2.-Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon gets picked as the next candidate as the last resort and wins the election since nobody can beat a martyr.

  • The December mistake.
    After tons of unhealthy turn of event like NAFTA, EZLN, the fights between the President-LDC-MCS, the killing of LDC, President's brother in law and many other the inner circle within the government gets a tip on the Mexican international dollar reserve, this tip informs the mass exodus of dollars fleeing the country which gets in the hands of many politics and wealthy business men in a very short period of time this information drains mexico's reserves and completely paralyze the new president let it him do little to nada to stop such exodus. Which to this day as hunt and stain the mexico's progress


I'm confused. Wouldn't the 20 year rule mean that we can't talk about anything more recent than January 1, 1994?


New Zealand history in 1994!

  • TV2 begins 24/7 programming, and so the Goodnight Kiwi retires from our screens
  • Newstalk ZB and Classic Hits radio stations begin nationwide broadcasting
  • Heavenly Creatures and Once Were Warriors are released
  • The Lion Red Cup rugby league competition begins
  • Danyon Loader wins one gold, one silver, and one bronze at the Commonwealth Games in Canada.
  • Charles Upham, Whina Cooper, and Dame Louise Henderson passed away.

How about some Texas history?

  • George W Bush elected governor of Texas over incumbent Ann Richards.

Am I to understand that anything that happen 19 years ago is completely offlimits?


I'll also recommend the ESPN 30 For 30 film June 17, 1994. In what is possibly one of the most important and busy sports days ever, it saw: Arnold Palmer's final round in the US Open, the New York Rangers victory celebration, the World Cup beginning in Chicago, and Patrick Ewing vying for a championship with the Knicks in the NBA finals, all while a white Bronco belonging to one OJ Simpson was slowly rolling down the LA freeway.


The big news for Alaska in 2014 were a pair of punitive damage trials involving the Exxon Valdez, one in state court and the other in federal court. The federal trial returned a $5 billion verdict against Exxon, but that amount was later reduced by the US Supreme Court, and some Alaskans are still waiting to be paid.

In 1994, Alaska voters again turned down a proposal to move the state capital from Juneau to Anchorage. It was the second time since 1982 that voters rejected a move.

In Fairbanks, Alaska State troopers negotiated for hours with arsonist Manfried West, who was threatening to burn down a cabin. During negotiations, West admitted murdering the founder of the Alaskan Independence Party, Joe Vogler, the previous year. Also in 1994, Vogler's body was exhumed from its grave and taken to Dawson City, following Vogler's will that he never be buried under the American flag.

1994 was also the year of Binky the polar bear, who mauled two people at the Anchorage Zoo in separate incidents and became notorious thanks to a photo of him with a mauling victim's shoe in his mouth.


1994 was the start of the First Chechen War which would last until 1996. /u/blindingpain's AMA on Chechnya is a must-read if you're interested in the subject.


I just want to mention a few more events that happened in Africa, other than the Rwandan genocide and South African elections.

  • January 14- President of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko dissolves the opposition government High Council of the Republic, as well as his own National Legislative Congress. In their place he announces the formation of the coalition government the High Council of the Republic-Parliament of Transition (HCR-PT). Opposition PM Etienne Tshisekedi and his UDPS party are kept out of the HCR-PT government.

  • June 14- The HCR-PT announces the election of moderate opposition leader Leon Kengo wa Dondo as Prime Minister. Opposition leader Tshisekedi is briefly arrested by Zairian military elements after this announcement.

  • October 31- MPLA government of Angola and UNITA rebel forces sign the Lusaka Protocol in Zambia, with a ceasefire announced on November 10th. This agreement aims to end the civil war in Angola that had begun in 1975. It set guidelines for the disarmament of UNITA forces and their integration into Angolan politics as an opposition party. However, the peace would not hold, and the civil war would continue until MPLA victory in 2002.

  • December 8- The Ethiopian Transitional Government adopts the current Constitution of Ethiopia. The constitution becomes effective in August of 1995.


Yahoo! Was started and became one of the first profitable internet companies.


Wow, I dont see anyone commenting about the US house/senate elections in 1994. On November 8, 1994 Republicans regained the House and Senate for the first time 40 years (though they had controlled the Senate in periods of time more recently).

The Democratic loss was brought about by a myriad of issues including the dying off of the highly Democratic "Greatest Generation" as well as the final part of the backlash against the Civil Rights laws the Democrats had passed in the 1960s.

Brief piece: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/616578/UNITED-STATES-The-1994-Midterm-Elections-Year-In-Review-1994

If you want a more in depth book on the subject (since Southern Republicans are still a dominant force in American Politics today) I highly recommend "The Rise of Southern Republicans"






In 1994, then President of Brazil Itamar Franco introduced the Plano Real to try to stabilize the brazilian economy, highly inflated at the time. It was the 7th plan (also the last) to attempt to do it during the post-dictatorship period (the dictatorship ended in 1985. The first of these plans, Plano Cruzado, was in 1986).

Plano Real caused the creation of a new Brazilian currency, the Real, which is still used today. This was also the 4th change in brazilian currency since 1985:

Cruzado (Cz$; 1986-1989)

Cruzeiro (Cr; was the currency from 1942 to 1986, and brought back in 1990, lasted until 1993)

Cruzeiro Real (CR$; lasted from 1993 till 1994)

And finally the Real (R$, used since 1994)

Compared to the six previous plans, the Real Plan was the most successful.

(sorry if I did anything wrong, it is my first post here. I am not an expert/profissional, but I am fascinated with modern brazilian history. Also sorry if my english is bad.)


Finland and Sweden vote to join the European Union

In addition, Norway votes to not join the EU, for the second time.


On 30th of November I was born at the same time Tupac Amaru Shakur was shot and hospitalized.


The IRA declared a ceasefire in 1994, for the first time since the 60s.


In Canadian history, other than NAFTA:

  • February 8, Nikki Yanofsky, known to every Canadian who watched the Vancouver or London Olympics, was born.
  • March 21, a civilian inquiry is launched looking at the behaviour of the Canadian Airborne troops in Somalia, where they'd been deployed in 1992. Though the Somalia Affair itself took place in 1993, the public knowledge of the murders/deaths/coverup wasn't there until 1994, as there had been a publication ban in place until November 1994 on photos of the events.
  • April 5, the Just Desserts shooting takes place in Toronto, where four Jamaican immigrants rob a dessert restaurant. Vivi Leimonis wound up getting shot by over 200 shotgun pellets from incredibly close range. The shooting attracted huge public interest. It resulted in laws allowing easier deportation of criminals, while others called for tougher immigration laws, more gun control laws, or bringing back capital punishment.
  • May 12, the National Sports of Canada Act names Hockey Canada's national Winter Sport, relegating Lacrosse to national Summer Sport.
  • June 14, the New York Rangers win the Stanley Cup, resulting in riots in downtown Vancouver. The riots resulted in over $1 million in damage, and 200 injuries - one rioter was shot in the head by police with a rubber bullet, resulting in permanent brain damage and a 4-week coma.
  • September 12, Jacques Parizeau and the Parti Québécois win a majority government in the Quebec Provincial elections on a platform that they would host a referendum on independence within a year.
  • November 27, Baltimore loses to BC in the first Grey Cup featuring an American squad, which was also the first ever professional football championship game matching a Canadian and American squad.
  • December 20, due to severely depleted stocks, Brian Tobin closed every cod fishery except for one, putting 5000 more out of work.

And from France in 1994 :

  • In May, The Channel Tunnel opens, after 6 years of tunneling, 10 worker deaths, and a cost of 5.6 billions euros.
  • In August, the "Loi Toubon" (Toubon Law) is promulgated, mandating the use of French language in all and any government communication, all advertising and schools (and more)
  • In December, the Groupe Islamique Armé (al-Jama'ah al-Islamiyah al-Musallaha) hijacked the Air France Flight 8969 in Algiers, with an apparent objective of flying into the Eiffel Tower. Three hostages were killed before the GIGN (SWAT equivalent) stormed the plane at a stopover in Marseille and killed all four hijackers.

April 8: Kurt Cobain of the popular band Nirvana found dead

His death happened when I was a senior in high school. I remember all the media outlets talking about him being a symbol of our generation. That always bothered me because I didn't think he represented me very well. Seeing this here made me start thinking what a better symbol of the teenagers of that time would be, but I can't seem to think of one.

Any thoughts about what best symbolizes the teens of the 90's?


Nas - illmatic was released. Considered by many to be the best hip-hop album of all time.


March 27: Silvio Berlusconi elected Prime Minister of Italy

My vague impression is he only began doing questionable things, or at least having them reported, in later years. Is that correct? What do peple know about his rise to power?


Star Trek TNG finished it's highly successful TV Run. DS9 also finally got good.


Other date of interest (because I see Senna on the list and given recent events)

November 13: Michael Schumacher wins his first F1 Drivers Championship by a single point over Damon Hill (92 to 91 points) in an extremely controversial season. Schumacher would go on to win six more Drivers Championships and set multiple F1 records that stand to this day.


Did anyone mention the Northridge Earthquake in CA yet? That was pretty huge. Is Wikipedia ok?


In intelligence history - February 21: after almost a year under investigation, CIA agent and Soviet double agent Aldrich Ames is arrested and charged with espionage. Ames had been supplying highly sensitive information to the KGB in exchange for cash since 1985, most notably the identities of American and British sources in the Soviet Union and Russia. The information he supplied led to the compromise of over 100 CIA sources, at least ten of whom were executed.

At the time, Ames was responsible for the largest compromise of CIA assets in history - though he was later surpassed by Robert Hanssen. CIA Director James Woolsey was forced to resign; the American counterintelligence community was left with a major black eye for failing to catch Ames sooner - Ames had been openly spending well above his salary for some time.


May 10, 1994 was the day Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as South Africa's first black president.

It also happened to be the day of John Wayne Gacy's execution, a solar eclipse, and my birth.


Jackie Kennedy passed May 19. She has to be more notable


In Poland:

  • the transition to free market goes on, Pawlak's government creates laws concerning private ownership of houses and flats, new IP laws etc.. The new Polish stock exchange proves to be very volatile.

  • the final decision concerning the denomination of hyperinflated Polish Zloty is made. While it'll be replaced starting Jan 1 1995, the legal decisions and information campaign start in 1994. New 1 zloty coin will replace the 10 000 bank note.

  • new IP laws deeply affect the young MrMysterious95 who now can't legally copy video games for his Commodore 64, or music on audio cassettes. Not that it stops him, of course. On the other hand, western music concerns establish themselves in Poland, the country appears in Eurovision for the first time, and new Fryderyk music award is established.

  • first free local-level elections since 1939. The turn-out is disappointing, merely 33%.

  • Poland applies to join the European Union, for some reason.

  • Polish people have their first experiences with terrorism. In September disactivated explosive charges have been placed in Krakow's central railway station, and the bomber demands half a million DM of ransom. The terrorist, signing his demands "Gumisie" ("Gummi bears") is captured five days after that.


This is off-topic, but are there plans for a "best of 2013" of this subreddit?


The DoD awarded posthumous Medals of Honor (the first since Vietnam) to MSG Gary Gordon and SFC Randy Shughart for their heroism during the Battle of Mogadishu the previous October.

Also: It was twenty years ago today Sgt Pepper taught the band to play.


It's been 20 years since Senna died? ...

Holy shit I feel old.


i forgot all about that tunnel drill-car breaking through the wall of stone. that was pretty cool.


Golden Year of Hip Hop.. if youre into that.


1994 was the year of the US bond market crash, as Federal Reserve rate hikes caught the market wrong-footed.

While equity market moves tend to garner all the headlines, moves in the bond markets tend to be far more economically significant.


Following the popularity of grunge (and Kurt Cobain's suicide), 1994 saw punk rock enter the U.S. mainstream with bands including Green Day, The Offspring, NOFX and Rancid enjoying commercial success. And punks have been arguing about who sold out first ever since.





1994 was also the year when, for many different reasons, Brazil finally started to get rid of the hyper inflation that lasted more than a decade..


Nov 2- OJ Simpson jury sworn in.


June 1: The Republic of South Africa rejoins the British Commonwealth after having left it in 1961

Could this be amended to 'Commonwealth of Nations'? The name was changed back in 1949.

As for 1994, Forrest Gump and Lion King steal it for me. Despite watching TLK for the first time in 2013 ^Hides ^away


Can we also please add the invention of commercial spam as an advertising medium for this year.


If anyone has an opportunity (and an account on Netflix) watch Senna. It is a great documentary on his racing life, seems like so long ago he was lost.

Other than that, hard to imagine that I remember a good deal of these events and they were back in '94!


Rangers win the cup


1994 was the year of the landmark United Nations Human Development Report that proposed a radical shift in the way nations think about security strategy to "human security."

What is needed now is to continue the pressure for reduced global military spending, to ensure that the poorest regions also cut down their arms spending and to develop a firm link between reduced arms spending and increased social spending.

The 1994 UNDP was one of the first major documents to propose the securitization of humanitarian concerns like poverty, human rights, and refugees. It proposed using a $935 billion "peace dividend" in reduced military spending from the end of the Cold War to address these concerns. This is important because it was the beginning of a strategy for states to address the security threats of things like terrorism, human trafficking, and civil war, which had for 50 years been eclipsed by the nuclear arms race.


I read a book a while book that strongly alleges Courtney love murdered Kurt Cobain. I think it was written by some reporters who worked on the story.

Anyway, does anyone have any kind of insight on that? After reading that book, I was completely convinced she did it. Maybe I'm gullible.


Aston Villa beat the firm favourites, Manchester United, in the UK League Cup Final at the original Wembly Stadium. In doing so, they stop Man U becoming the first team to win the domestic treble (League Cup, FA Cup, Premiership) - a feat which remains unclaimed.


Kinda wondering why Justin Beiber's birthdate is there. How is that relevant to askhistorians? (Other than a time machine scenario)

Damn, that was a big year though. Aryton Senna was a phenom. Do we have any more knowledge abut what happened on that turn?


Is there a consensus among historians as to whether Reagan's Alzheimer's was starting to affect him during his presidency?


IIRC correctly, Brazil had some very big news on the economic front. Remember that after NAFTA, ALCA was supposed to follow, but the proposed bloc faced fierce resistance. Plano Real got launched. I think the IMF intervention ended? Telebras was privatized in a 13 billion dollars deal, I think its still to date the largest privatization deal in Brazil. Then-hopeful president wannabe Lula, his party and allies had a platform that called for defaulting on external debt (which helps explain why his later election caused turmoil in the market). But the biggest event belongs to 1993, April 21 - the public consultation on what form our government would base itself.

Votes for monarchy amounted for 13% IIRC. Sorry, on the phone.

Anyways, cherioo.


Can we remove bieber from the list? I feel its unneccessary.


The most important thing that happened in 1994 was the New York Rangers winning the Stanley Cup!! LGR


Could someone explain why Russian army left Latvia and Estonia almost 4 years after they regained independance?


History is so awesome, I was only 2 years old when all this happened - and only a few years ago could I understand what these events meant. Like the great channel tunnel I thought was around for ages when really it was only finished while I was learning how to use a toilet!


The 1994 San Marino Grand Prix is best remembered for the crash that killed Aryton Senna, but a lesser-known driver, Roland Ratzenberger, was also killed 2 days prior the day before during an accident in qualifying.

Edit: factual error.


It was the year the internet really started to hit major general awareness. I remember explaining it to my gf's grandparents that summer.


Construction on the structure of the Petronas Twin Towers began in 1994 in Malaysia. The project, whose planning was initiated 1992, was the brainchild of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad.


Brace yourselves. The NAFTA questions are coming.


And Ancient Latin Literature history new as of 1994! Ummm... I, uh, think that's the year that Conte's text was first published in the US? It's pretty good. Maybe read it?


Some international and a German event of 1994:

  • German Criminal "Dagobert" (Arno Funke) gets caught.

The first PlayStation is released in Japan

Two new chemical elements are discovered - Roentgenium and Darmstadtium


In another few years, the Monica Lewinsky historical discussions will flow forth!

Some discussion about the near miss on apprehending/assassinating bin Laden or the humanitarian importance of the NATO actions in the Balkans will be interesting too.


It might be tough to discuss without breaking the 20 year rule, but could a case be made that 1994 was the peak of western civilization?


RIP Kurdt Cobain


cutting it fine, on the 2nd january 1995 the most distant galaxy recorded was discovered using the Keck telescope in Hawaii. The galaxy was 15 billion lightyears away.


So really its a 19 year rule


I'm ashamed Justin Bieber's birth is on here, but there's no mention of Brazil winning the world cup


Why is there even a 20-year rule?