Are there any super-time lapse videos (~10mins-4hrs) of who controlled what when globally? (Elaboration in description.)

by TheLandOfAuz

I was at this one American Civil War museum and in one room you watched a 10min time lapse video of an eastern US map. And there were dates in the top corner progressing very quickly, the change of weeks resembling the speed of milliseconds. Battles were indicated by a little explosion in a specific spot on the map showing where it took place. After the logo appeared, the territory lines changed, show which side controlled what.

I was wondering if there was some equivalent or perhaps something as satisfying, but instead of showing the place of battles, it would just show wars and then the change of territory/country/kingdom/empire lines on perhaps a Mollweide map. And instead of a few years in the Civil War, go as far back as perhaps to the Mesopotamian times - as far needed: when man began killing fellow man for land.

Anyone know of such thing? Perhaps a more narrowed version for a specific region (kind of like the one I saw for the Civil War?) I'm guessing there's no such thing for the entire world, spanning back as before the Egyptians, but doesn't that sound wicked?


Youtube user (and redditor) EmperorTigerstar makes lots of slow time-lapse videos of wars (WWI ; WWII: Europe ; WWII: Pacific ).


Adding to what /u/HallenbeckJoe said, you can also use this atlas to have a global view of the political boundaries since around 3000 BCE until today. If you zoom in enough you can also see major cities and battle locations.

I'm no historian and, as so, cannot vouch for its accuracy, but it has proven useful to me.