is there any solid evidence that Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be a messiah?

by [deleted]

Or was this notion brought on by scholars many years after he had died?

(I had no responses when i asked this earlier, trying my luck again)


Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures

At Daniel 9:25, 26 the word ma·shi′ach applies exclusively to the coming Messiah. However, many other texts of the Hebrew Scriptures also point to this coming One, even if not exclusively so. For instance, Psalm 2:2 evidently had first application at the time when Philistine kings tried to unseat anointed King David. But a second application, to the foretold Messiah, is established by Acts 4:25-27, where the text is applied to Jesus Christ. Many of the prophecies contained in the Hebrew scriptures also described the Messiah and his actions, which correspond with Jesus' actions as described in the gospel accounts.

The historical evidence found in the Gospels demonstrates that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. Persons in the first century, who were in position to question the witnesses and examine the evidence, accepted the historical information as authentic. They were so sure of its accuracy that they were willing to endure persecution and die on behalf of their faith based on that assured information. The historical Gospel records show that various individuals openly acknowledged that Jesus was the Christ, or Messiah. (Mt 16:16; Joh 1:41, 45, 49; 11:27) Jesus did not say they were incorrect, and on occasion he admitted being the Christ. This is shown in the account of Matthew, at chapter 16 and verses 16 and 17, which reads: ^16 "Simon Peter answered: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." ^17 In response Jesus said to him: "Happy are you, Simon son of Jo'nah, because flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but my Father in the heavens did...""

So if you consider the Bible as "solid evidence" (and it is my source, after all), then the accounts here show that Jesus was the Messiah and he did admit to it.