Berlin wall - Brandenburg gate

by drchaos2000

in pictures like this

the border seems to make a "bump" to allow for more space for the monument. does that reflect the actual border or was that an agreement to allow for better view of the brandenburg gate ?

how exactly was the berlin borders made up after 1945 anyway ?


The borders between the different sectors in Berlin followed the borders of the boroughs of the city (german Bezirk). These were administrative units that were created in 1920. After the war, when the city was divided up among the victorious powers, they chose to use these pre-existing administrative units when they did it. The boroughs in the French, British, and American secotrs made up West-Berlin and the boroughs in the Soviet Sector made up East-Berlin.

The Brandenburg gate lies on the border between the boroughs of Mitte (Soviet sector) and Tiergarten (British sector). So that is why the wall ended up being built there.