What ever happened to world's fairs, great expositions, etc.?

by ANewMachine615

So, I recently read Devil in the White City. One of the big points was that the Columbian Exposition in Chicago was a response to a World's Fair in Paris a few years prior. Then on the radio today, I heard a story about the 1964 World's Fair in New York. But it occurred to me that I hadn't even known that one occurred, and that I had no idea when the last World's Fair or great exposition occurred.

So, why did these go away? Were they just not needed as advertising for industry anymore? Is it the change in industry that drove it? Are we just less patriotic/civic-minded?


They’re still held, but in a world of specialized trade shows, easy international travel, television, and Internet, they aren’t the same kind of wow event. Expo 2010 was in Shanghai. Expo 2012 was in Yeosu, South Korea. Expo 2015 will be in Milano.

Here’s a list of World’s Fairs.
