What were German war goals in World War 1?

by Pollux10

I'm comfortable that German actions precipitated the war--giving a free hand to Austria, invading neutral Belgium, etc.--but what did Germany seek to accomplish? Continental or colonial territorial acquisition? Impose its political will on the European system? Or was it viewed as a preventative war against future French and Russian opposition? I assume there was some combination of all of the above, as well as others I'm not considering.


There was no war goal, which was a real problem. There was a huge debate between people who wanted to annex huge parts of eastern europe, some even wanted to create german colonies in russia similiar to hitlers Lebensraum plans, and people who wanted to create Mitteleuropa to conter the british power of the see.

Mitteleuropa would be a a econmic bloc of nation between all nation in europe (expet UK and russia), which was seperated of the global market. The near east (oil) was a also really important for that plan and therefor, because the germans dont want to rely on ships, they would build railroads. It would be kind of a EU, but under german leadership. But the supporters of that plan was not even sure how a mitteleuropa would function.

The debate splited germany again and runied everything what the "augusterlebniss" made.

If you have question ask me.


Germany's war aims were to stabilize the Hohenzollern monarchy and solidify 'world power status'.

Bethmann's programme outline: Security for the German Reich in the west and east for all imaginable time, Russia thrust back as far as possible and her domination over non-Russians broken, France to be weakened so as to make her revival as a great power impossible for all time, minimise the number of non-Germans absorbed into the Reich, a belt of colonial territory in Central Africa from coast to coast, and the annexations of Luxemburg, Liege, Antwerp, the Briey iron ore field in France, the western Vosges mountains, and perhaps some of the Channel coast. France was to be weakened by indemnities and treaties, Belgium was to be a vassal state.