Could anyone point me in the direction of interesting books on the History of Scandinavia?

by Wings_of_Integrity

I'm interested in learning about the history of the Scandinavian peoples. Anything on Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greenland or Iceland would be really cool. I would prefer them not to be centered around the viking age, but by no means does it need to be barred.

NOTE: My sincere apologies if this question is rather inappropriate for this Sub-reddit, considering I'm not asking a question one typically sees here. If I have broken any rules, Mods feel free to delete this post.


I don't know if it's translated to any other language, but if you know Swedish you might want to check out the series Norstedts History of Sweden by historian Dick Harrison, written in Swedish. Up until the formation of Sweden (and partly after as well), it handles Scandinavian history, not just Swedish.


no worries about this question - people ask for resource recommendations all the time. in fact, we've got a regular Saturday thread, Saturday Reading and Research for just this kind of thing.

Anyway, I only see 1 book on Vikings in the Book List, but here are a few (very brief) previous book recs:

edit: ps. you might try posting this question in the Reading & Research thread - it's a stickied post, so more people might spot your question there