Were there diplomatic ramifications to the Yukon Gold Rush between the Canadian and American governments?

by arminius_saw

I'm just curious if the Yukon was ever a point of discussion between the two. I seem to remember the Frasier(?) Gold Rush led to the establishment of British Columbia as a colony due to the influx of Americans^*, so I'm wondering if there were any comparable events during the Yukon Rush.

^^* ^[citation ^needed], ^I ^read ^that ^as ^a ^passing ^sentence ^in ^an ^unrelated ^book ^a ^while ^ago.


Likely the most important outcome territory wise of the Gold Rush was the final settlement of the Alaska Panhandle boundary dispute. Much to Canada's chagrin, given that it favored the Americans. This had the side effect of decreasing Canadian favouritism towards the UK and beginning the process of De-Dominionizing that culminated in the Statute of Westminster 30 years later.