Are we undergoing a revival of the Arts and Crafts movement?

by Qonold

My friends and I had a discussion about this topic earlier and I'm curious about flaws in my thinking. The conversation originally started as an attempt to be snarky on my part- I was trying to say that the 'indie movement' has been done before.

Now I'm genuinely curious, and I'd love to hear a professional opinion. I'm not a trained historian of any kind, so I'm unsure of how to evaluate or support an idea like this. The similarities I have in mind are things like the indie wave sweeping pop-culture, its rejection of industrialism, art that has a 'natural' appearance, popularity of hand-crafted products (websites like, etc.

I tried this question on /r/art and awhile ago and got nothing, and figured I'd give this sub a try since my interest has been renewed.

Thanks in advance, you guys are always great :)


This question is ringing some 20-year-rule bells in my ears, so, to clarify, is your actual question something more like "How comparable are the 'hipster' movement of today and the earlier Arts and Crafts movement?" Because a "revival" implies that there is a conscious act of reviving an art movement on the part of modern artists today, and you'd have to directly ask modern artists if that's what they're doing, and we can't really comment on the motivations of modern artists in AskHistorians. Old artists though? Let 'er rip on that one.