When Russian troops sacked Berlin near the end of World War II, did they kill civilians? What exactly happened?

by ryanbtw

I'm not sure if the city had been evacuated or what went on there.


The population of Berlin at the end of the war was disproportionately comprised of Women and children, with most of the men fighting in the army, or being drafted into the Volkssturm at the last minute. Most of the violence directed to Berliners was looting and rape. Rape was endemic at the time, with girls as young as 12 up to women in their seventies. There were instances of women being killed as a consequence of sexual violence. Some historians argue that the Soviet treatment of Germans in 1945 was a direct retaliation for the Nazis actions in Stalingrad.

Although there were murders by the Soviets, they were not common. most deaths at the time were a result of starvation and disease, with Typhus being most prevalent. Males who were proved to have NSDAP associations were more likely to be sent east as prisoners of War than murdered.

Sources: Berlin - Anthony Beevor Woman in Berlin - Anonymous Germany 1945 - Richard Bessel