Did any other countries have widespread AIDS protests like the USA did?

by MisterBadIdea2

Jumping in really quickly - I've been a bit of a ghost due to my super busy RL job (yay! politics.)
There were protest in other countries. ACT UP had a few international chapters (ACT UP/Paris and ACT UP/Germany come to mind, I'm sure there were others.) I don't know too much about the AIDS crisis on an international level. One thing to keep in mind is how AIDS impacted different communities in different countries and at different times. AIDS in the US first came about largely confined to gay men and a few other small subpopulations. It also entered gay populations in other parts of the "First World," primarily Europe. However, in other parts of the world (parts of subsaharan Africa, India, parts of Asia) HIV exists in primarily heterosexual populations. This has certainly shaped activism in different countries. Sorry, I don't have a ton of information, but I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have about the AIDS crisis!


We do actually have an AIDS historian on the panel, here's her old AMA if you haven't seen it. I'll send her a PM but she's not a super regular redditor so I'm not sure if she'll get back to you.


When did the US have widespread AIDS protests? Are you talking about ACT UP?