Is there a best Cutting, Thrusting or Crushing 1 handed weapons?

by ouronlyplanb

Hey I've watch some really insightful [YouTube videos] ( and so far I've not seen a conciseness on the "BEST" weapon for each job.

Is there a 1 handed weapon that was the best for cutting? (Axes?) Thrusting? (Rapier?) and Crushing/Blunt? (Horsemans pick?)

Thanks, any other fun facts would be appreciated

I think this falls under Historical methods? If not let me know where to re-post this!

Edit: TL:DR "Is there a best cutting, thrusting or crushing 1 handed weapon!" (not weapons! sorry)


While not a straight up answer to your question (which I don't think has one which can be easily decided, although hopefully you can learn the pros and cons of various options), this post from a few months ago gives great insight into the use of the war hammer specifically. Hope that helps.


Short answer; no.

Long answer; it depends what you want to do. If you're trying to take down a man wearing full-plate on horseback a dagger won't do you a lot of good. If you're trying to kill someone walking down the street without attracting too much attention, a polearm is probably not your weapon of choice.

You have to take into account who you're hitting, what they're wearing, what defense they're going to mount, where you're using the weapon (geographically, it does matter), and on and on. There is no real "best" overall.


I think you would get a more interesting answer from /r/HEMA


I don't think you would get consensus on a particular type of weapon for each of those categories. You got to see the weapons in their context, the Roman short sword was an effective thrusting weapon but best in a phalanx and the Spanish lance was effective as well but in the context of cavalry of the age. You could probably get general agreement that axes are best for cutting and the like, but you'd have to give some kind of limitations to make it easier to pick a clear winner.

What kind of thing do you have in mind?