What happened between Mexico and Panama before the 1500's?

by EvilRising

It seems one of the other mods have removed this question. I'll respect his or her judgment on this. But since I happened to notice the question pop up before it got removed, I thought I'd offer some suggestions on how to improve your wording to better fit with our rules so you can resubmit without worrying about having it removed again.

First, there's a lot of time before 1500, so you may want to narrow that down. Perhaps to "In the 15th Century" or "Around the time of European contact" so that your question has a more specific time frame in mind.

Second, there's the issue of geography. You started out with "between Mexico and Panama" but ended up with "most of South America." Those are two very different regions (and speaking of South America, we'll be having we are having an Andean History AMA today. Be sure to swing back around for that). You should focus on Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Anything north of that gets you into Maya territory and other Mesoamerican civilizations like the Mixtec, Zapotec, and Aztecs. Anything south of that gets you into South America (with a bit of cultural overlap in Panama, if I remember correctly).