Was there ever a single battle that demonstrated the superiority of firearms over Mongol bows/ tactics?

by zelric_of_el

From what I understand, that the Mongols/Nomadic cultures tended to dominate many civilizations militarily during the Middle Ages. However, it seems like there is hardly a mention of the Mongols themselves (not counting the various successor states) after the empire dissolved.

Was it in part due to the emergence of firearms in the following centuries? And if so, was there ever a single significant battle that demonstrated the superiority of firearms over the horse-archer based warfare of the Mongols or other nomadic peoples?


Read about the battles between Muscovy and the Golden Horde (along with other Tartar states) during the 15th century. Several historians have attributed numerous Russian victories due to the use of firearms in defensive positions, forcing Tartar troops to fight in close quarters where archery proceed useless while massed firearms in formation, early cannons, and the use of mobile fortifications enabled the Russian forces to triumph over superior numbers.