Breaking up the Zhou Dynasty

by uhhhh_no

Since Wikipedia doesn't have an answer (they don't even have king lists for all of the players), do any of you guys know the years when the various lords of the Warring States declared their independence of the Zhou kings? (i.e., the year when each ruler declared himself a 王 instead of whatever title he had before?)

I've got most of the actors, but some of them I only have their regnal dates:

  • Viscount Xiong Da/Tong of Chu became King in 706, 704, or 703 BC
  • The guy who became King Shoumeng of Wu reigned 585-561
  • The guy who became King Goujian of Yue did it around 496, 495, 494
  • The guy who became King Hui of Liang (=Wei) was 344
  • Duke Yinqi became King of Qi was between 378/356 & 343/320
  • The guy who became King Si of Wei/y was between 334 & 293
  • The guy who became King Yi of Yan was between 332 & 321
  • The guy who became King Kang of Song was 328
  • Marquis Yong became King of Zhao between 326 & 299 (maybe 322?)
  • The guy who became King Huiwen of Qin was 324
  • Marquis Wei became King of Han in 323

(Also, if we don't have any sources in English or Chinese for the specific dates, do we have a list somewhere of the order?)


No one? =(