Have there been any instances of terrorism in history that can be justified?

by sherlholm

This is a really complex question because there is no simple internationally accepted definition of what constitutes an act of terror. Perhaps the broadest definition is "An act of violence as means of coercion for political purposes" but by this definition, even troop movements could be broadly defined as terrorism as they may well serve no purpose other than political (see for example US Navy movements. A carrier group sends a very clear political message). The deployment of national guards units could also be defined as terrorism if they're deployed against political dissidents (Kent State shootings for example). By this very broad definition there are definitely cases where it has been motivated.

If we look at a narrower and more common definition such as acts of violence against non-combatants intended to induce fear, carried out by political, religious or other ideological groups we might get a more interesting discussion. Not really an answer to your question but a contribution to the debate none the less.