Did Hitler drink alcohol?

by worldpees

Hello, I know that Hitler hated smoking, was a vegetarian, and his father was an alcoholic. But I can find no clear statement about his alcohol consumption. Some say he drank nothing and some say he drank occasionally (socially or for digestions) or that he only stopped drinking later in life.

I know that the DAP and later NSDAP met in breweries (e.g., Sterneckerbräu) and the Hitler-Ludendorf coup attempt started at Bürgerbräu.

On /r/HistoryPorn there currently is this picture from 1939 showing what looks like a glass of liqueur in front of him. http://i.imgur.com/sgd2ERo.jpg

So did Hitler drink alcohol? If so to what degree and how did his attitude towards alcohol change over time?


Not very often. The historian Ian Kershaw wrote in his Biography ['Hitler'] (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hitler-Ian-Kershaw/dp/0141035889) that on the rare occasion he did drink, he would often add sugar to wine to make it sweeter, and would reject drinks too bitter in nature. Hitlers abstinence was mainly due to his digestive issues and he was known to be consumed with worries about his health.