Was quality of life in Iran better or worse after the 1979 Revolution?

by zipzapman

I was wondering if the 1979 Islamic Revolution bettered the lives of the poor in Iran.


All you need to do is check Iran's Human Development Index -- which improved 67%, beating out all the rest of the world including the "fastest developing" BRICs and only coming second to China's 70% HDI improvement, Before the revolution, it was flat.

According to UNDP calculations, between the years 1980 and 2012, Iran’s HDI value increased by 67 per cent – or at an average annual increase of about 1.6 per cent. During the same period, for other countries in the High Human Development group (the group containing Iran), the average annual gain was only about half of what Iran managed – 0.73 per cent. For all countries on the planet, the average gain was even less – only 0.69 per cent. This means that Iran’s annual growth in its HDI was over double the global average. Simultaneously, this would imply that – from a human development standpoint – during the period 1980-2012, Iran’s policy interventions were both significant and appropriate to produce improvements in human development.





FYI, for example, before the revolution, only about half the people were even literate. http://www.wolframalpha.com/share/clip?f=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427elojmjo966q