Stalin afraid of Zhukov?

by smile_n_wave_boys

Stalin would not allow anyone to rise in prominence above him and I've heard that after WWII he wanted to purge the distinguished Soviet generals. But he left Gen. Georgy Zhukov alone, in some way he feared him. Is that true? Do you guys know more about this?


Hi! Zhukov here!

Stalin was very afraid of Zhukov. The (possibly apocryphal) story is that when Zhukov led the victory parade through Red Square and Stalin saw how respected he was by the troops, thats when he realized something had to be done about him. The story is totally uncorroborated, despite showing up in a number of sources. Regardless though, Stalin absolutely was afraid of Zhukov, and contrary to your premise, he did not leave Marshal Zhukov alone. Less than a year after taking Berlin. Zhukov found himself denounced for political unreliability and cultivating a cult of personality, was stripped of his position as Stalin's right hand man and exiled to a backwater command in Odessa, and then the Urals after that.

As I'm sure you can surmise, this is a topic I very much like, and as such I have written a lot about Zhukov here before, so for a more in depth look at the man, I would recommend these posts.

This one more looks at his legacy overall, and how it was affected by the ups and downs he experienced in the post-war years, while this deals more specifically with those ups and downs.