Did the nazis try to convert people from other countrys to German arians?

by [deleted]


So the polish part om my family suffered trough a great deal during WW2 when Germany invaded Poland. Like a lot of people, a lot of the my grandfathers/grandmothers family-members died, but I´ve been told by my mother a strange story.

So, my grandmother had two sisters. One was a brunette with brown/green eyes, and the other one was a blonde with big blue eyes. Anyway, Germany invaded and they got separated. My grandmother (then 12-18 years old) was caught, but lucky enough to a job as a housemaid for an important German family. The sister who was a brunette, most probably was killed.

Now on to the blonde, blue-eyed sister, who´s name was Krystyna. Now from what I´ve heard she was very beautiful and she could had been a model, but even more significant, she could had been the poster-girl for a perfect arian. So I have been told that Krystyna, after she was caught, was placed in an German family. They told her that she was now German and they were her REAL family, and now she would speak and act like a German. This was over a period of 4-5 years. After the war the 2 remaining sisters found each other again, but Krystyna had an german accent that I think she never got rid of.

So, did this really happen? Maybe my family only want to make the Nazis even more weird/evil and they are making stuff up?

Also, mini-question. Did the Germans capture random people of the street by surrounding them, then closing in around them? I was told that was how my grandfather brother was captured, then sent to Dachau to die.


Yes, all you've said above has been well documented as happening. You can get a basic introduction to the practice of Nazis kidnapping children who they felt looked Aryan, and giving them to Aryan families to be raised: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Polish_children_by_Nazi_Germany

There was also the "lebensborn" program that you can read about, in which "Aryan" looking people were encouraged to breed, and then the resulting children were often put in education centers where they were raised communally.

I know Wikipedia isn't the best reference source to use here, but there's a ton of information out there, and the Wikipedia page will lead you to some of the references.