Can anyone help me identify this (case?)?

by identifyinganitem

Here is a couple pictures of the item

A lady in a Facebook group I follow had posted asking if anyone had any idea what this was, so I told her I would come post here and ask y'all. (hence the throwaway, since I don't want my entire fbook on my reddit account and I'm posting the link on there)

She said that someone suggested it was an Opium container, and another person suggested it's a medical container shaped like an opium container.

She says her husband found it in a pick apart in a car.

EDIT: I will also be posting in whatisthisthing


You might try this in r/whatisthisthing


It looks like a make-up compact/wrist purse. Kind of like a fob-watch but for powder, rouge etc. Based on the size and the little loop on the top where a chain would be attached. Similar to This Example

They were popular during the late 1800's - early 1900's. It looks like it is more "Asian inspired" than actually Asian in origin.


It could also be a perfume compact. Ladies would wear them as necklaces and sniff them rather than the unpleasant odors of the city.