Are there any famous sociopaths in ancient history?

by dropname

In the sense of people who would probably have a clinical diagnosis of sociopathy; whose actions or accounts of their personalities suggests this kind of disorder?

I understand as historical records blur with time, we may not have the detail or insight into their day-to-day lives, but I can't imagine sociopathy is a recent phenomenon, and there must have been some successful ones in history.


I think in general there were a lot of rulers or people in general, who would be today diagnosed as sociopaths. They simply did not have the same norms as us today, thus didn't judge their actions as we do today. They didn't know human rights, they allowed slavery, gladiator fights, killing minorities(jews,christians...) etc. Today we would declare every single person, who thinks these things are alright, sociopathic, sick, unhuman, etc..