Based on what is in the photo, around what time was this picture taken? This is in Jerusalem.

by jojoplay

I screencaped this from a really good doc on Al-Jazeera called "The Great Book Robbery"


Based on the mixed Arab-style and British uniforms, as well as what appears to me to be an M1919 Browning Machine Gun (which was used sometimes by the UK), and the fact that it's the cover of this book, it seems to be from the late British Mandatory period (between 1945 and 1948). That cover would be a good avenue for determining the exact context, but the internet isn't telling me anything.

As an aside, it's generally very wise to display a healthy skepticism towards anything written about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly stuff that's designed as easily consumable media such as this. While that doesn't make it necessarily wrong, reading through its summary it uses evocative terms like "looted" and "plundered" to appeal to emotions, even though the books seem to have been put in the national archive, not taken by a mob looking for valuables (which is what those words suggest). Nearly everyone writing has a motive (in this case, explicitly), and it's best to keep it in mind. Not to dissuade you from watching it--it's an encouragement to learn more from someone who's been confused by wildly different perspectives on that time period.