What would a Muslim from the Golden Age of Islam think about modern-day Islam?

by MonkeyDeathCar

I've removed this question, for a couple of reasons:

  1. A tenth century man isn't going to be transported to the modern day, so it's impossible to answer this question with anything other than speculation. Hypothetical, "what if" questions aren't within the scope of this subreddit and are better suited to /r/HistoricalWhatIf.

  2. Your judgement of modern day Islam is very one-sided (to put it lightly) and just asking for this question to get derailed into non-historical arguments.

If you're interested in how Islam has changed since the 10th century, I'd encourage you to repost this question in a more neutral and factual way, e.g. "How have Islamic opinions on morality changed since the 10th century?". But as it's phrased now, this question is very unlikely to get good answers.