What can you tell me about female sexuality and sexual health in Colonial Uganda?

by sabjopek

I've been looking a lot into this recently, and have read quite a lot about the compulsory examination and treatment regimes for syphilis, as well as the use of missionary-trained midwives as a way to spread Christian moral attitudes throughout the country. I've also read about the use of Ssengas - paternal aunts - as a form of sexual guide for young Ugandan women, and their custom of 'visiting the bush', which is a way to elongate the labia minora in order to improve sexual pleasure for women. I was wondering if you guys could give me any more directions to look on this topic, any particular sources or articles that you think are interesting or relevant, or have any opinions or information on this topic generally. I realise it's not a particularly specific question but I'm interested in the topic fairly broadly, so was just wondering what you guys might be able to throw out there.

Thanks! :)


She doesn't deal with Uganda, but some of Nancy Rose Hunt's work may be of some interest.
