My Great Uncle just passed recently

by unkemp7

I just found out he was in some way part of The Battle of the Bulge. I have looked into his history the best I can. His name is Raymond Glenn Bean, here is his obituary. I also found his Army serial number which is 35754066. I was just wondering if there was a good way to find out where he was at during the battle or anything like that. Thank you all so much.


Your grandfather was part of the 101st Airborne Division who luckily for you (since you're looking for specifics on where he was during the Battle of the Bulge) were part of one of the most famous aspects of the battle: the siege of Bastogne. Surrounded, with limited amount of supplies due to bad weather and awaiting the link-up with Patton's 4th Armored Division, the 101st endured and defended the important junction of Bastogne against attacks of the XLVII Panzer Corps. The 37th Tank Battalion, led by Lt. Col. Creighton Abrams (who would later be the commander of the US Army during the latter stages of the Vietnam War), finally broke the encirclement on December 26th.

EDIT: Here is your Great Uncle's enlistment record as well.