What happened to employees of the Dutch East India Company stationed abroad following its bankruptcy?

by TheGeniuz

Were they provided travel back home or were they abandoned? Were they paid their wages? Did they harbor resentment? Did they settle down wherever they were? Did they ransack whatever remained in warehouses, etc...


The end of the VOC was a bit of a drawn out affair. A war with England, 1780-1784, caused immense financial trouble for the company, to the point that it couldn't pay its loans any more and needed to rely on government aid to survive (sound familiar?). From 1790 onwards it came under increasing government supervision. When the company's charter ran out in 1800, its remaining personal became government employees. Though it should be noted that a lot of company possessions had already been taken by the English by then (the Netherlands had forcibly wound up in the French camp during the revolutionary/Napoleonic wars.