How did the public view Richard Nixon after impeachment

by [deleted]

I'm too young to have been around after he was impeached. How was he seen to the public? I know he was mocked, but for example: Did the country mourn after he died? Was he still viewed as a good political theorist? (If that's the right terminology) Was he still a respectable man? Were people ever excited to meet him?

A google search only led me to information about his impeachment. Nothing after.


Richard Nixon was not actually impeached. He resigned from the presidency before he could be impeached. By August 1974, his popularity had sunk to such a low level, it was only a matter of time before he was impeached and he would have lost any impeachment trial.
Richard Nixon was deeply depressed after his resignation. They did not put him on a suicide watch, but he kept an extremely low profile for more than two years. He did agree to let David Frost conduct a lengthy series of interviews in late 1976 and early 1977. These Frost-Nixon interviews were edited into four, ninety minute television programs that were broadcast in May 1977. They were watched by more than 45 million viewers and a Gallup poll taken shortly afterwards show they did nothing to rehabilitate Nixon's image with the general public. However, they did convince Nixon to reenter the fray as a political pundit and commentator on international affairs. Nixon also wrote nine books between 1978 and 1994 that further burnished his credentials as an elder statesman. After 1980, Nixon was a frequent guest on Sunday Morning political television talk shows, but Nixon pretty much limited himself to talking about foreign affairs.