What did navels look like on people before modern medicine?

by AmericanDerp

There's really nothing 'modern' about tying off, cutting and then letting the umbilical cord dry out and eventually fall off. I expect navels looked then as they do today.

“When the baby was born, the midwife would tie the umbilical cord and cut it at four finger’s length. She washed the baby and rubbed it with salt, then gently cleaned its gums with honey, to increase its appetite. She dried him with fine linen and wrapped him tightly in swaddling bands so he would not move or scratch himself. Afterwards, he would be shown to his father and the rest of the family. Later, the baby would be placed in a wooden cradle next to the mother’s bed in a dark corner, where the light would not hurt his eyes. A servant would rock the baby to sleep. Unless the limbs of the child were twisted out of shape, the baby would remain securely bundled until they were old enough to sit up. He would be nursed, bathed, and changed every three hours and rubbed with rose oil.” (Gies & Gies, 1990, pg. 258)