How likely was a Communist takeover in 1960s Brazil?

by Holves

This year marks the anniversary of 50 years of the military coup that ousted president Goulart. It was alleged that he was a communist sympathiser and that Brazil was in the brink of a revolution. How much of this is true?


Hi, Brazilian here.

The possibility of a communist revolution in Brazil before the Coup D'Etat in 64... was Zero.

We can say that various groups were planning to try the Revolution in the 60s.

But they would only be executed for treason at Brasilia, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Florianopolis and all others main cities of Brazil.

Demographically, the 60 people in Brazil were conservative. Two thirds of the population was Catholic . Almost all the cultural references of the USSR and Communism was negative, being originated on the U.S.A. political impressions at that time. And the most important thing, the owners of media: Carlos Lacerda, Roberto Marinho (Globo), Julio de Mesquita Filho (O Estado de S. Paulo), the high-priests in Brazil: Led by Dom Jaime de Barros Câmara (Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro) and several other members of socio-economic elite of Brazil had two good friends the Military and the U.S.A. .

The military coup happened because the wealthier sectors of Brazilian society had not seen President Jânio Quadros and Vice President João Goulart favorably . Both democratically elected by direct vote and universal suffrage .

At first they ousted Quadros, he held office only between January 31, 1961 and August 25, 1961 - the date he resigned . But in this short time he has done enough things :

  • Continued national policy that had its beginnings in the Vargas government and deepening the JK government (State of Welfare and Progressivism).

  • Increased the independent foreign policy, which aimed at establishing relationships with all people, particularly the socialist area and Africa.

  • Reestablished diplomatic and trade relations with the USSR and China, something unthinkable in the geopolitical and geostrategic Brazilian insertion at time.

*Appointed the first black ambassador in the history of Brazil .

  • He defended the policy of self-determination of peoples, condemning foreign intervention. Condemned the episode of the Bay of Pigs and the U.S.A. interference that caused the isolation of Cuba .

  • Gave Che Guevara a high honor, the Order of the Southern Cross, which angered its allies, especially the UDN (União Democratica Nacional - National Democratic Union).

  • Created the first indigenous reserves, among them the Xingu National Park, and the first national ecological parks.

  • Through Resolution No. 204 of the Superintendency of Currency and Credit , ended subsidies rates benefiting certain importers economic groups at public expense - including major newspapers , who imported newsprint at a dollar subsidized by about 75 % and who were angered by the loss of their privileges .

  • Installed a severe policy of public spending, wiping wherever possible government machinery. Opened hundreds and hundreds of inquiries and investigations in open combat corruption and profligacy in public administration.

  • Sent to Congress the draft antitrust law, the law of limitation and regulation of the remittance of profits and royalties, and the pioneering proposal for agrarian reform law (Naturally none of these projects was never put to a vote by Congress, hostile to his government that the shelved).

  • Finally, banned the broadcast of televised bikini in beauty pageants, banned cockfights , the inhalants in carnival balls and regulated gambling card game . For more hilarious that these measures may have seemed at the time , over 45 years later , after more than ten presidents by the chair that was his , Except Bikini on TV, all these laws enacted by Quadros are still in chair.

The letter of resignation Quadros , is very bleak :

"I was overcome by the reaction and therefore leave the Government. In these seven months, I did my duty. I have fulfilled it, day and night, working tirelessly, without prejudices or grudges. But, shooked up my efforts to lead this nation in the way of his true political and economic liberation, the only one that would allow effective progress and social justice, which entitled its generous people.

I Wished a Brazil for Brazilians, fighting for this dream, the corruption, the lies and the cowardice that subordinate the general interests under the appetites and ambitions of groups or individuals, including from abroad. Terrible forces have risen against me, and infamam or intrigue me, even with the excuse of collaboration.

If he remained, would not maintain the confidence and tranquility, sometimes broken, and indispensable to the exercise of my authority. I think even that would not keep the public peace itself.

Thus, I close, with a thought directed to our people, to students and to the workers, to the great family of the country, this page of my life and national life. To me, it does not lack the courage of resignation.

I go out with thanks and a plea. Gratitude is to the comrades who fought with me and supported me inside and outside the government and, in a special way the Armed Forces, whose exemplary conduct in every moment, proclaim this opportunity. The appeal is the sense of order, harmony, respect and esteem of every one of my countrymen, for all and all for each.

Only this way will we be worthy of this country and the world. Only this way will we be worthy of our heritage and our Christian predestination. Return now to my work as a lawyer and teacher. Shall we all work. There are many ways to serve our homeland.


Brasilia, 8/25/61.


J. Quadros

Only lighter than the suicide letter of resignation of Getulio Vargas.

(To be continue...)