How did the grand tour enable London's public museums to gain antiquities?

by blorgbots

This is my final paper topic for a university class. History isn't even close to my forte, and I'm having serious trouble with this one. I know rich British guys toured on down to Italy/Greece (if they could get the protection) etc., obtained (stole?) artifacts while they were there, and eventually gave them to museums.

My problem here is that this essay is 5000 words long, and CLEARLY there's some huge chunk of something I'm missing because I've got about 1000 words and nothing else in my brain.

Unsourced answers, sourced answers, and just sources are all appreciated. I'm coming here as a last resort, but I've heard good things about you guys from my history-inclined friends. Thanks in advance!


Are you limited to just talking about antiquities? The Grand Tour had many effects on British culture other than just filling up museums. The Grand Tour brought a lot of modern Italian culture to Italy, including the upper classes of the time having a robust taste for Italian fashion, art, and opera.