Who was the better leader, Napoleon Bonaparte or Adolf Hitler?

by 3235

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In David G. Chandler's Work "The Campaigns of Napoleon", easily one of the 'bibles' of the Napoleonic Wars, he says this:

Since the 1940s it has been fashionable in some quarters to compare Napoleon to Hitler. Nothing could be more degrading to the former and more flattering to the latter. The comparison is odious. On the whole, Napoleon was inspired (in the early years at least) by a noble dream, wholly dissimilar from Hitler's vaunted but stillborn "New Order." Napoleon left great and lasting testimonies to his genius--in codes of law and national identities which survive to the present day. Adolf Hitler left nothing but destruction.

The gist of this is that Napoleon was the visionary creator to the destructive Hitler. Napoleon created the Napoleonic Code, something which is a major force of law in many parts of the world to this day and is one of the first 'modern' legal codes that lasts to this day; as a military leader, few can truly be compared to him and his genius, which is another topic for another question; his political self has been described as amoral but it was amoral to the polite Kings and Emperors that saw him as an upstart (but I will admit that Napoleon wasn't the most delicate of politicians, which may have contributed to his downfall by making everyone hate him and his Continental System).

While I am by no means an expert on Hitler as a leader, I have yet to find an unbiased view of him that has him as an amazing leader. He was destructive, exclusive (Napoleon was inclusive to anyone whom wanted to be French or his ally), and I doubt anyone will disagree if I called Hitler morally bankrupt. Napoleon may have been a bastard in his treaties, but Hitler is one of the few people that I have a hard time seeing a kind treatment being given.