In light of "Kim Jong-un fed his uncle to dogs" story, has there ever been documented incident in history of execution by dogs?

by reddripper

Just a side note: the Kim Jong-un story was completely made up.


One case example I know of: Aztec ethnohistoric accounts of the Spanish conquest of Mexico document that the Spanish put captives to death by feeding them to dogs:

"[The Spanish] hanged Macuilxochitl, the king of Huitzilopochco, in Coyoacan. They also hanged Pizotzin, the king of Culhuacan. And they fed the Keeper of the Black House, along with several others, to their dogs."

"And three wise men of Ehecatl, from Tezcoco, were devoured by dogs. They had come to surrender; no one brought them or sent them there."

Source: The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico, Edited by Miguel Leon-Portilla, p. 144

Here's an illustration from the cited account, page 143: