What made the British Empire so successful for such a long time?

by RamblinRambo

There have been many empires during our history, some more successful than others. The British Empire seems to have been a very stable empire for most of its time. What is believed by historians to be the reason for its success at the time of its existence?

It still baffles me how such a tiny nation could control such a vast territory.


There are a huge number of reasons for this and it would be impossible to point to just one example as the deciding factor for the dominance of the British Empire.

However, the best reason is probably the British Navy and Merchant Navy's dominance of the seas. You've heard the phrase "trade is the lifeblood of an nation"? In comparison to other European Empires, the British Navy was the most advanced, numerous and well organised. It was not only able to support troops fighting and colonising in distant lands, but it was able to supply newly settled areas; maintain garrisons and despatch troops and specialist where they were needed; and relay information back to the British Isles quickly and efficiently.

This is obviously an exceptionally condensed argument for why the Empire was successful and as I stated at the start there are other reasons for the dominance, if anyone has other points to add to this please do.