How would a stagecoach robbery go?

by VorpalAuroch

Specifically in the American West (late 19th century). What would be the typical method?

Related specific questions: What would happen to a moving stagecoach if one or more of its horses were killed while moving quickly? Halt and fall over? Glide to a stop as the horses get confused? Take off at high speed as the horses panic? Would most robbers kill the driver, or was it more common to force him to stop and let him continue on with the empty coach?


Me thinks you are writing a book, correct? It all depends on the location of the robbery, a train robbery in Kansas would be different from one in say Arizona, Colorado where there were mountains. In places where the stage had to go through mountain roads, typically, a robbery would occur at the end of a long rise in the road. The horses would be exhausted from pulling the stage up the rise and would not have much energy to pull off outrunning the highwaymen. Most robbers would not kill unless they had too as killing would add murder to the robbery charges, and with murder of the driver...there would be witnesses to it and the law would pursue you much harder. Also-it depends on the stage you robbed and what you took. Wells Fargo packages were insured so if their items were taken, Wells Fargo would pay people to hunt down those who robbed those stages.