Can anyone confirm the authenticity of these documents? (British 1980s)

by JJatt

New evidence has been released that the British Government had a hand in the 1984 attack on the Golden Temple that killed many civilians, and ultimately led to the Sikh Genocide. Yet, as any historian should be, I am skeptical of the evidence. Can anyone confirm that this is indeed how "secret messages" would look and if the seals, people, and signatures look authentic.


I don't know whether anyone can perfectly confirm the authenticity of something from a pdf file but I can see several good reasons to presume that this is genuine.

Tom Watson is a reasonably prominent UK MP who has a history of being a muckraker, relatively recently he got the police investigating a ring of pedophile politicians. Using the 30 Year Rule to release these documents is typical behavior for him, it is 30 years after 1984, and he's a public figure certain to be subjected to scrutiny. Bearing these things in mind I think we can presume the document is authentic.


Who is "private secretary B J P Fall"?

The initials uncannily resembles to the principle opposition part (BJP) - the incumbent PM Indira Gandhi was from Congress party (I) at that time.

Don't know if that is relevant, but there is this news report just published on Jan 13 mentioning the same "expose".

edit : link