When did green grass and lawns become a common idea in society?

by MonkeyCube

I was wondering about this the other day, and I couldn't recollect any specific point where the trend appears. Was it an old custom that evolved over time, or was it something in response to the housing boom post-WW2? I may be wildly off, but I would love to hear some insight.


Here is a previous thread addressing that question, including citations. Apparently mowed or trimmed lawns began on English estates and parks due to the climate, became more popular among the middle-class in the late 19th century when maintenance had become less expensive and the middle-class had grown more affluent, and became popular in American suburbs in the mid-twentieth century when affluence and suburban sprawl made it very affordable.


FYI, there are a few more threads in the FAQ*

Lawns & Lawn maintenance

*see the link on the sidebar or the wiki tab