Probably not the correct subreddit for this, but I need help finding primary sources or paintings involving Native Americans.

by hpdbb

For a history project, we had to create a question having to do with communication between Europeans. Africans, and the Americas, and my question was about Native Americans (Can't actually say my question because they are later being checked of plagiarism. I need sources that show how Native Americans thought of Africans and Europeans. The source can be a table, a primary document, and painting, etc. If this is not the correct subreddit, please just comment which one I can ask this question to. Thank you.

P.S I am not just asking this out of laziness, I have been searching all around the web and so far could only find two decent sources. Thanks.


I suggest looking up the diaries of James Cook's around-the-world voyage. They are public domain and should be scattered around the Internet.


I recommend getting a copy of Colin Calloway's The World Turned Upside Down, which is an anthology of colonial era Native writer. Many of the authors describe their community's initial reactions to the arrival of Europeans or their assessment of European religion and society. The book is mainly focused on the eastern half of North America. For the Plains, he also has Our Hearts Fell On the Ground.


Thanks for all the help guys.


There's lots of drawings from Champlain's expeditions into North America you might want to check out (I used them previously in a paper).

You also might want to consider local museums (for example the McCord Museum in Montreal).