What is this artefact?

by nik183

To whom it may concern,

I recently began a new project where I was given an artefact and I have to research who made it, why it was made, what was it used for, and learn how it connects to its time period. However, I have not been able to find out what it had been used for and could not find its purpose. I only know its obvious characteristics. The artefact is around 22 cm (8.6 inches) tall and is mainly made of wood. It also contains a spring in a mechanism that enables it to be opened by pushing on its top. On the artefact's circular hollow base with diameter around 9 cm (3.5 inches) there is a rectangular hole. Furthermore, there are two dark brown objects that are visible inside when the artefact is open. These objects are the same shape, but one of them has 8 miniature circular holes on the top and the other just has one large circular hole. They can be removed out of the artefact unlike two other objects inside that are light brown. They cannot be removed. The artefact itself seems completely intact.

Here are the links to several of the photos I took of the artefact:

The whole artefact - https://docs.google.com/a/isp.cz/file/d/0B-c3L1ULdDNMSi02RDdldC14NG8/

When open (from top view) - https://docs.google.com/a/isp.cz/file/d/0B-c3L1ULdDNMSUFsazRfZzNlRDA/

When open (from side view) - https://docs.google.com/a/isp.cz/file/d/0B-c3L1ULdDNMQWJnSDFNaXQzUGs/

The Brown Object with 8 holes from inside the artefact - https://docs.google.com/a/isp.cz/file/d/0B-c3L1ULdDNMUU15bXMxMFZiSXM/

The Brown Object with 1 hole from inside the artefact - https://docs.google.com/a/isp.cz/file/d/0B-c3L1ULdDNMblprSGhhVDlKX2c/

The rectangular opening at the artefact's hollow base - https://docs.google.com/a/isp.cz/file/d/0B-c3L1ULdDNMRGJzMGtWOWYwNlE/

Close-up to patterns on artefact: https://docs.google.com/a/isp.cz/file/d/0B-c3L1ULdDNMY3JZVER5UzZaUlk/

Can you please advise me about what it may have been used for? Nevertheless, any information about this artefact will be very appreciated.


You may want to try the subreddit /r/whatisthisthing for identification of your artifact.


The images aren't opening for me.