History Day: Cohen Vs. Cowles

by Derp-alert

This years topic is rights and responsibilities. I have the opportunity to interview Dan Cohen and his attorney. I'm looking for questions to ask or a general directions to steer the conversation. What would you want to know if you were researching this topic? Here is just a general background of the topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohen_v._Cowles_Media_Co. Thank You for taking your time to read this!


How was the promise not to reveal Cohen as a source made?

What was the emotional experience like (for Cohen and his lawyer) in contesting a law suit that went to the Minnesota Supreme Court and then the Supreme Court of the USA.

How did the whole experience affect Cohen's life.

Why did Cohen want to divulge the information to the press in the first place?

Was it worth it?

If he could go back in time, would he do it again?