How long would it have taken the British Navy to build a Man'o'war from start to finish during the 16-17th Century?

by [deleted]

More specifically, what kind of processes would be involved during the various stages? Please and thank you


It depends on the size of the ship, the care taken, the funding available, levels of corruption and other factors.

Pepys in "Memoires relating to the state of the royal navy of England, for ten years, determin'd December 1688" comments that in "Old Navy [...] Timber had been standing, cut, and converted, and the Ships built there-with, and launched in six months" (and were of good quality), however then goes on to complain that the in run-down state of the navy of his time "three and twenty of these Thirty [ships] lay from one to full two, three, and four Years in building, and the last of them more than five".

Taking the Mary Rose as an example from the other end of the time span, there is a warrant from Henry VIII that is likely to be for her and the Peter Pomegranate issued in January 1510, and she was towed to London for final fitting-out in June 1511, and in service by 1512. (Mary Rose was the second largest ship in the Royal Navy when she was commissioned.) (Steele & Dorland; The Heirs of Archimedes)