Are there any connections between the Trickster Rabbit traditions in Western Africa and the Southeastern United States?

by ahalenia

My understanding is that prior to European contact, both Western Africa and what is now the Southeastern United States (as far west as the Atakapa in Texas) both had Trickster Rabbit traditions. The Trickster Rabbit stories told in the Caribbean could be influenced by both these groups, since they were both sent to the Caribbean to work as slaves. Now that I know there are folklorists on this subreddit, could any of your share insights in the this Transatlantic Trickster Rabbit phenomenon.


Brer Rabbit is popularly seen as being an African-American tradition, but I was always taught that these stories are Muscogee Creek and Natchez. For instance, the Tar Wolf is supposed to be based on a historical Creek method of trapping pests by coating carved wooden effigies with pitch.