Why is South slavic and Latin pronunciation of words so similar, i as South slavic speaker can read Latin words almost perfectly even if i don't speak or understand most words?

by Beneficial_Leader_38

As Croatian, I can give my personal opinion. In Slavic languages there were no vowel shifts, so Latin vocals sound the same as in Croatian. Letter J sounds like Y in "yes" in Croatian as in Latin, so we don't have problems like English or French speakers. But, on the other hand, we simplify the pronunciation of æ, œ and y, we pronounce C as TS, and we often stress the words incorrectly. So, if we consider traditional, ecclesiastical pronunciation, you are right. If you compare it to classical pronunciation, you will find it quite wrong. Interesting note: Latin ceased to be official language in Croatian parliament (sabor) in 1847, so it was a living language for a very long time.