Why did Hitler have such a deep hatred for the Jews?

by Suicine865

I read about how he was born in Austria and lived for a while in Vienna as a young man. What I don’t know is if Hitler only used the hatred of Jews as a scapegoat in order to gain power during Germany’s economic crisis or if he personally held this deep hatred for Jews himself and if this is the case. I wonder how exactly this came to be as someone wouldn’t develop such a resentment towards a group of people overnight.


Hi there,

On /r/AskHistorians we often get questions along the lines of 'what did Hitler think about X' - I mean, as an April Fools joke one year, we changed the sub to /r/AskAboutHitler. However, for better or worse, many of these questions about what Hitler thought are, in the literal sense, unanswerable. We don't know what Hitler thought about many things, and especially about things that were inconsequential for him. Hitler did not keep a diary, and the collections of his private conversations are disjointed and nowhere near complete, being almost completely dependent on the post-war recollection of his intimates (who may also be unreliable in their recollections, especially given those circumstances).

Of course, you may still get an answer to this particular question! However, broadly speaking, proving the negative is very hard (there could be a 1965 article on the topic in Swahili), and if you've asked a question which is almost certainly "We don't know, and he probably didn't care anyway", few historians familiar with the topic matter actually are going to want to put in the necessary gruntwork, doubly so about a man who on a personal level was decidedly uninteresting.

For more information that will be helpful in understanding the context around your question, please read /u/commiespaceinvader's wonderful post on why Hitler's opinions actually aren't that interesting, and please see here for an example of a historian attempting to find evidence about Hitler's thoughts on a topic, but finding that it is likely unanswerable.