When and how did humanity discover that they were on a planet, that that planet had a finite size and didn’t just go on forever, and that it was part of a solar system, galaxy, and universe?

by Pinkietastic1

Hey guys! So, kinda hard to phrase but essentially what I’m wondering is this: Let’s say I’m living in a town somewhere some thousands of years ago. I would know that there’s the “land” and that there’s the “sky,” and that would be about the height of my knowledge and understanding of how the realm that I exist in works. I wouldn’t even be able to understand or wrap my head around the concept of “planets,” or “solar systems” or anything like that - I certainly wouldn’t think the earth is round, or that the concept of a “planet” was even a thing. But then thousands of years later apparently people noticed that boats disappeared from the bottom up when they got far enough out into the ocean, so that (if I remember correctly) was how some ancient people knew the earth was round. But like, how in the world did they come to that conclusion? The idea that the “land” that I exist on - and for all I know is just an unending flat plane - is a round object would make absolutely no sense to me, and would certainly not be the first explanation I come up with for phenomena like boats disappearing over the horizon, or the difference between shadows cast by poles in Syene and Alexandria (which I believe was also another way people found out the Earth was round?). And then, how did we discover that the earth was a “planet” and that it wasn’t the only solid object of land that existed? Because in a world where nobody ever talks or learns anything about “space” or “planets,” I’d think that concept would just be absolutely bizarre and make no sense. I know I probably phrased that badly, but man I’m so curious about that because it seems like it would have been such a weird concept to even come up with back then.


There have been several previous answers about this for Ancient Greece (and Rome), which I can link to below. It appears that people rather quickly accepted the roundness the Earth when it was proposed, and not so much for the arguments you refer to (as is often claimed):

Our u/KiwiHellenist has discussed the Greek discovery, knowledge, and proofs of the round Earth here, here and here, in some cases linking to yet more answers. He has also written about what the ancients thoughts was in space outside the Earth here. A certain u/fredrikj has also made this answer about how they conceived other planets