How accurate is the assumption that Sulla was an evil dictator?

I am asking this question not because I have any inherit support for Sulla, but because many of the sources from which I was reading have discrepancies over whether or not he was a good man, and/or a good ruler.

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Does anyone know anything about these photos or why my grandfather might have had them?

My grandfather was a gunner in the pacific theatre during WWII and then worked on an assembly line after an injury to his inner ear until he was ho arbor discharged. He was often too sick for me to spend time with him, and he died when I was 10. After my grandmother died, I came across this photo book, but have no one to ask (I'm not close to my dad and his family, and if I let them know I had this, they'd want it. If I knew they'd take care of this, I might consider letting them have it, but none of them will). I was wondering if anyone might know anything about the photos or why he would have them. They're obviously not originals, but I've never seen anything like this.

1 Answers 2014-01-03

In ancient Egypt, they worshipped cats. What was the cat population in Egypt? Were all of them worshipped?

I just want to know what was the number of cats that existed in ancient Egypt and how many were worshipped.

2 Answers 2014-01-03

From your area of study, who, do you believe, was 'ahead of their time'?

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Which states had trouble entering the union and many citzens disapproved of it (besides the obvious pre-civil war states)?

Maybe give the state then the reason why the state had trouble entering.

2 Answers 2014-01-03

How does bill signing work with multiple pens?

This is a pretty basic question about the details of modern Presidential bill signing. I know Presidents have been using multiple pens to sign bills for many years now, but how does this actually work? Does he really write one letter with each pen? Does he sign the bill multiple times, once with each pen? Does he hold each pen, but only use one to write his signature?

1 Answers 2014-01-03

At what point did Urdu and Hindi emerge and why out of all the others were they designated as national languages of Pakistan and India respectively?

2 Answers 2014-01-03

How much of the Luftwaffe actually remained by April 1945?

With what I read about World War 2, I come under the impression that the German Air Force was essentially gone by the time 1945 rolled around, to what extent was this true? Were there any German aircraft that participated in the Battle of Berlin and the months leading up to it?

2 Answers 2014-01-03

How bad was WWI Germeny, compared to WWII Germany?

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Settlement patterns in Iron Age Germania

The original Roman sources, and the few commonly available books on the subject, are fairly clear that the Germanic peoples were not town dwellers. They don't seem to have built hill forts or oppida as the Celts/La Tene culture did. What I'm not certain as to is whether the norm was dwelling in agricultural communities (villages) or isolated farmsteads. I've been trying to find an answer to this for months and it's driving me insane, so I'll go ahead and post it here in the hopes that someone can enlighten me.

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Inspired by an askreddit post. What is something you can't prove from the historical record, but enough coincidental evidence exists for you to personally believe it.

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Why wasn't Roman Emperor title inherited by descendands of Charlemagne?

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Did Sherman's March to the Sea play a pivotal role in ending the Civil War?

As the title suggests, the question I am looking at answering is, in your opinion did Sherman's March to the Sea or Savannah Campaign play a pivotal role in ending the Civil War and if so why?

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Why did the British Empire continue to tax the American colonies when they knew it would only anger them and cause further tensions in the region?

I understand the British were trying to pay for the high costs of the French-Indian War, but why continue to lay out new taxes when the outcome could only end up being negative for them?

1 Answers 2014-01-03

How old is the art/practice of ventriloquism, and how long has it been performed as entertainment?

As a follow-up, it seems like ventriloquism is no longer as popular as it once was (old shows such as The Twilight Zone often show it as a popular night-club act, for example). Why is this?

1 Answers 2014-01-03

How did family members find out if a relative died during WWII?

This is question asking how people found out about a relative dying during WWII and from what I've seen in movies it shows a soldier turning up at the door to tell the mother or wife. How was this done in the UK? If a ship went down would this be broadcast in a paper or on a newsreel or would this be kept secret in case of spying? I don't think this has been asked before, if so I apologise. Thank you.

1 Answers 2014-01-03

Can you recommend the books about Turkic Khaganate?

I want to know more about Turkic Khaganate, that existed in Inner Asia 6-8 centuries CE. I've looked up wikipedia, but the article about khaganate lacks list of literature:

2 Answers 2014-01-02

When did Jackson change his interpretation of the Constitution (loose vs. strict)? Why would he or others (such as Madison) change their positions?

I understand that Jefferson changed his position during the Louisiana Purchase (1803), and it was just because he wanted to regain the control of the Mississippi, but when and why did Jackson change his position? Wasn't he very set on his position?

1 Answers 2014-01-02

How were Native Americans in California treated by pioneers/settlers/prospectors during the second half of the 19th century?

Popular history has brought the atrocities committed against Native Americans living in the East Coast, Great Plains, and American Southwest to light, but has seemed to leave out the plight of the Californian/West Coast Native Americans.

I became interested in this question when I read about "the last Indian" Ishi, and realized that I knew very little about indigenous peoples on the West Coast and what happened to them.

Could anyone offer some insight into the demise of Native Americans on the West Coast?

2 Answers 2014-01-02

is there any solid evidence that Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be a messiah?

Or was this notion brought on by scholars many years after he had died?

(I had no responses when i asked this earlier, trying my luck again)

1 Answers 2014-01-02

Help me understand Age of Sail terminology and sail mechanics please!

For whatever odd reason, I've developed a new love of naval fiction and histories. I've been reading a bunch of books and whatnot about it, and am starting to grasp the terminology (I know the masts and which sail is which and the difference between a brig and a frigate). I don't quite get the mechanics though -- the captain seems to use different sails at different times and I'd like a deeper understanding of when you'd use a topsail over a course or royals and so forth.

I kind of get that you don't want to run everything out at once (I'm assuming it would destroy the masts?) but is there any real rhyme or reason behind what sails are used for what and when?

Thanks! Any suggestions in terms of reference materials outside the popular stuff would be appreciated too.

2 Answers 2014-01-02

Did the Romans ever use greek auxiliaries?

I know they used soldiers from latin allies and celts, but did they enlist greek auxiliaries? If they did, did they every fight in a hoplite phalanx?

1 Answers 2014-01-02

Did "Generalplan Ost" really existed ?

1 Answers 2014-01-02

Why did the US engage in daylight bombing and the UK night bombing during World War 2?

I read that early in the war the British tried daytime bombing but found the casualty rate too high and hence concentrated on less accurate night raids as the war progressed. On the other hand the US was more willing to take losses for "accurate" bombings.

Is this true?

5 Answers 2014-01-02

What were voting rights/qualifications like in the early United States?

Specifically, what restrictions did the federal government put on voting? Did voting change from under the Articles of Confederation to under the Constitution? What were the property/religious qualifications like? Also, how were delegates elected to the Second Continental Congress? Any other related information would be great as well. I'm not too sure if this is a good question to ask, but I've tried to no avail to find good information on this topic. It's especially hard to get info about the Articles of Confederation. Hopefully you guys can help, and thanks ahead of time!

1 Answers 2014-01-02

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