Why are the aboriginal peoples of Australia and New Zealand so different? Was there much interaction between the two prior to the arrival of Europeans?

3 Answers 2014-01-01

Did military leaders actually find each other in battle as depicted in movies?

While watching Troy last night (the fight between Hector and Achilles' cousin in his armor)I began to wonder if there are historical accounts of higher ranking people in battle seeking each other out while the lesser soldiers would avoid this private battle.

Obviously it makes for a great scene in a movie, just wondering if there was some unwritten rule among soldiers to not disrupt a special fight.

2 Answers 2014-01-01

Theories on why pyramids appear in Egypt at the same time as Peru & Ireland?

How did pyramids begin to appear in Egypt near the same time they were constructed in Peru and domed structures built in the British isles? Ref: en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_the_oldest_buildings_in_the_world

1 Answers 2014-01-01

To what extent has Justin Bieber influenced modern music through out the 2000's compared to other teen-stars throughout the 90's?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

What did Jewish prisoners manufactured during ww2? or how they were economically exploited?

2 Answers 2014-01-01

Has anyone before Jesus claimed to be the son of God?

Notice the capital G. I'm asking if anybody claimed to be the son of Jahwe before jesus.

1 Answers 2014-01-01

How did the Romans measure years?

I imagine that the use of "B.C." and "A.D." didn't start in what we would call the year 1, so what year would contemporary Romans say they were living in? Did it change between the republic and the empire? Was there even a concept of numbered years as we know them today?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

How were locations for castles chosen and what went on while the wall were built?

I have always wondered what went into choosing a location for a castle. I figure that defensive locations were favored, but were local resources and population also major factors? Did castles often spring up around a village or did the walls come then the village/population? How long on average did it take for the walls to be completed and during that time was there a standing army to protect the construction?

Edit: I am mainly interested in castles during the middle ages in Europe.

1 Answers 2014-01-01

How much of a debate was there over putting Japanese-Americans into internment camps during WWII?

I got a nice dose of old-people-racism over the holidays, and one that got me thinking was when my grandmother said regarding the internment of the Japanese-Americans, "If we hadn't done that, the Japs (sorry) would have faced a lot of retaliation and lynchings after Pearl Harbor" From what I've seen, this kind of "benevolent" racism pops up quite a bit in American history.

Was there a lot of pushback to the internment when it happened from segments of the American population? I figure there was probably a lot less than there would be today, due to segregation still being in effect as well as a different national feeling about nationalism and race. Was there a serious national debate about it though, or did most people feel like my grandmother; that the US government was protecting itself against infiltration as well as protecting the "good" Americans of Japanese descent?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

When did toilet paper become so common? And what was the solution beforehand?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

Why was Judea such a major focal point for religion, culture, and the growth of civilization?

3 Answers 2014-01-01

What is the earliest evidence of wide spread trade?

For example, the post about swords in medieval Europe had a comment of trade linking British Isles to India. How long ago could these connections have been established?

2 Answers 2014-01-01

Did the Roman Senate have what we would call liberal and conservative bodies?

Such as a group of senators that believed in less governmental control, how much to invest in infrastructure and war, etc., that mimic past or current U.S. political structures?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

What is your favorite example of a revered historical figure behaving in a way we today would consider despicable?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

What happened to the Israelites (who didn't become Jews or Christians later on)?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

Did the Big 3 networks try to fight the rise of cable television at all?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

What cultural/societal implications would there be if our (modern) society had developed exactly as it is now, but fashion stopped progressing after 1700?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

Why do folk drive on the right?

First of all: I don't care what is the "correct" side to drive on, I am merely curious.

I understand that certain countries drive on the left because of jousting and right handedness, but surely there is some kind of historical reasoning to driving on the right also. What is it?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

What is the origin of eating black eyed peas for good luck in the southern United States?

I've heard a few different stories from people here in Texas along with conflicting versions from various web sources. Can anyone give a clear record of this tradition?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

100 years ago today, WWI was well on it's way. It is certainly not an overnight thing, so on this day (perhaps a week or two forward and back), what are European countries doing in anticipation to the growing hostilities?

I'd prefer to know about any nation, however England, Austria, Germany, and France are pretty big.

2 Answers 2014-01-01

How important was the Lend Lease Act to the Soviet Union in the war against Germany?

2 Answers 2014-01-01

How common has ghostwriting been throughout history? How do historians deal with ghostwritten sources?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

Why did US households use tin foil instead of aluminum foil up to WWII?

This is pieced together from the Wikipedia articles on tin foil and aluminum foil. Obviously tin foil was, at one point, cheaper to manufacture than aluminum foil, though that changed. Wikipedia suggest that around 1910, there were already processes to make aluminum foil efficiently, but aluminum foil didn't displace tin foil until after WWII.

What economic factors came about after WWII that made aluminum foil suddenly more attractive than tin foil? Was economics the only consideration?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

If our modern calendar begins with the birth of Christ, why isn't Christmas the start of a new year?

1 Answers 2014-01-01

When did North American Indians first start horseback riding?

And how did they learn that horses could be rode?

2 Answers 2014-01-01

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