When did marriage become prevalent. The idea of staying with only one person for your whole life compared to either polygamy or serial monogamy?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

If Mexico responded to Zimmerman's telegraph and executed what it detailed how differently would've WWI been?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

From 1776 to present day, could any force/country successfully invade the US and then successfully occupy it?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

When did the concept of traveling for the sake of "tourism" (rather than trade, conquest, emigration, etc...) first become popular/mainstream?

Were there tourists in ancient times?

2 Answers 2014-01-14

In the pre-war years of the 30's while he was out of government and watching Chamberlain appease Hitler repeatedly, what did Churchill think ought to have been done?

What did he specifically advocate? I know it's a little controversial just how badly Chamberlain bungled things (or didn't), but I'm curious if Churchill called for rearmament or actual military action against Nazi Germany when they seized half of Czechoslovakia, or reoccupied the Rhineland, or even annexed Austria.

2 Answers 2014-01-14

What would the economic/political differences to today be had the southern states seceded from the United States successfully?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

Since the Black Ford Model T was so popular in the 1920s would people ever get their cars mixed up?

2 Answers 2014-01-14

Witches and Broomsticks: Opioids/Alcaloids?

So, I see a lot of claims saying that the broomstick myth comes from women basically painting broomsticks with hallucinogens and then using the stick to deliver the substance via vaginal absorption. True? False? Somewhat?


1 Answers 2014-01-14

Did Napoleon benefit Europe with his empire?

I think that Napoleon helped France but did he benefit other countries? -chugim

1 Answers 2014-01-14

In New York City, has there ever been a serious attempt at eliminating Central Park?

I'm thinking in terms of land values being a temptation, but any other reason would be interesting to hear as well.

3 Answers 2014-01-14

When did gossiping become perceived as a feminine trait?

I'm writing an essay on feminism and gender stereotypes and was wondering if anyone knows when gossiping became feminine?

Is there any old literature that refers to women and gossiping?

Thank you!

1 Answers 2014-01-14

What would happen if the Vice President of the U.S. killed the President and was found not guilty? Could he still be president?

2 Answers 2014-01-14

Was there such a thing as a traffic jam before automobiles?

Traffic is a pain.

Were there traffic jams before automobiles? Did horse carts line up and get stuck on the road after an accident? Any record of people complaining about such a thing?

NB: Not typing this while stuck in traffic.

3 Answers 2014-01-14

During the Roman Empire, what were the logistics behind the transportation of taxes & goods from conquered lands to Rome?

Really curious how physical transportation of taxes collected and/or grains used as tax payment were transported to Rome. What sort of vehicle was used, number of troops used to guard and if there were any robberies along the way?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

True or false? Jefferson ordered the removal of Native Americans into the trans Mississippi region to pressure France into the Louisiana Purchase?

2 Answers 2014-01-14

I'm a freemason and I got caught committing a crime. The judge and few other people involved in the trial are also freemasons. How much help would that have been in different places and times?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

Did they even have needles with eyes in them during Jesus' era?

I'm not trying to bash Christianity at all but i'm just curious. When did they begin manufacturing needles with eyes in them?

2 Answers 2014-01-14

How common was it for a person of colour to live in medieval europe, and how were they treated by both white commoners and nobles?

5 Answers 2014-01-14

How did you become an officer in the military? (For any historical military that had officers)

1 Answers 2014-01-14

During the heyday of the Ku Klux Klan (1921-WWII), would it have been dangerous for a white man in the South to oppose the Klan?

I don't necessarily mean to vehemently or aggressively rally against them, but would simply refusing membership and critiquing the Klan in social situations cause your family issues? Was there enough political diversity in the American South that the KKK and its members would accept civil opposition and criticism?

3 Answers 2014-01-14

How did public debt become such a key institution in modern states?

Why in the last 400 years or so has it become inevitable that governments will always maintain high levels of national debt regardless of the economic performance of the country in question?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

What would society be like today if Western Europe had never been interested in colonisation of the new world?

1 Answers 2014-01-14

Would it have been possible/is there any evidence to show a knight on a crusade falling in love with Muslim/Jewish woman while on crusade?

I am looking into the crusades, and was thinking as to whether this might have been possible. I'm sure the men didn't go away from their wives for that long without having some form of interaction with women, but would there have been love involved? If so, what would happen when they left, would it have been possible for a Muslim woman to come back to England with the knight, and if so what kind of reception would she have received? Equally, would it have been possible for the knight to have stayed? And more importantly, is there any evidence to show that this did happen? Any further reading, primary or secondary sources, would be greatly appreciated, either on this exact topic or on the crusades more generally. (Sorry for the multitude of questions within one!) Thanks in advance.

1 Answers 2014-01-14

Are there any documented successful American slave revolts?

Think Django Unchained - where the slaves revolted and got away with it.

I have just finished both Uncle Toms Cabin and 12 Years a Slave. I need a pick me up.

1 Answers 2014-01-14

Tuesday Trivia | History’s Greatest Nobodies II: Military Edition

Previous weeks' Tuesday Trivias and the complete upcoming schedule.

Today’s trivia theme comes to us from /u/johnnytest316!

Ahhh the Great Military Men of History we all know and endlessly talk about: Genghis Khan, Patton, Zhukov, MacArthur, Alexander the Great… Snooooze. These are people I think we’ve heard about enough of around here. Please tell us about some military figures nobody’s heard of! Which of history’s most cunning commanders and brave enlisted personnel are not getting their due credit?

Like the last edition of this theme, Street Cred galore is yours if you can tell us about someone so obscure they don’t even have a page on Wikipedia.

Next Week on Tuesday Trivia: We’re going to be talking about the friendships between famous historical people, especially royal friendships!

12 Answers 2014-01-14

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